Membership Info

Swim practices are held at the Emeryville Center of Community Life (MAP) and Mills Northeastern University (MAP). Our current schedule can be found here.  If you are interested in joining please contact our Head Coach via email. We currently offer two free trials for anyone interested in becoming a member. If interested, please email [email protected] to set up your trial swims.  Swimmers must have an active USMS membership or a USMS "Trial" membership.  

All members are required to register with U.S. Masters Swimming and Pacific Masters Swimming. The annual dues cover insurance, the Pacific Masters newsletter and a monthly subscription to USMS Swimmer Magazine. If interested, it also allows you to compete and local and national USMS competitions. To join or renew your USMS membership, click here. Information for Pacific Masters Swimming can be found here.  

As of January 1, 2025, the fee schedule is: 

Monthly      $100.00                  

Quarterly   $277.00                 

Yearly        $1,095.00                 

Payment must be made by the 10th of the month or a $10.00 late fee will be charged.

The Manatee Dues Policy can be found here.

We accept dues by electronic payment, through an account set up on this website. Please contact the Registrar to request any other arrangement.

Questions regarding dues should be directed to Registrar. (Please put MAM in the subject line)

Receiving Communications from MAM:

Manatee news, updates and information is most often sent via email. Sometimes announcements are timely, such as pool closures or schedule changes.  Please be sure to keep your email address up to date or you will not receive any information.  You can enter an alternative email so you can receive announcements at multiple addresses.  For any questions regarding accessing your member account or regarding the team website, please email [email protected]